First Snowfall

Well, this isn't the first snowfall. It's just the first one I was able to take pictures of before it melted. Hopefully we will get more snow soon!

Christmas Tree

Step one

Step two


Isn't this cool?

North Carolina Adventure

About to go over the Ohio River.

TWO ABOVE: Country in West Virginia and Kentucky. I tried to get some pictures of cows, and a few turkeys I saw, but I'm (obviously) not too good at taking pictures from a car.

Yard artwork in North Carolina. The lady also had a grasshopper, which was also really cool. My aunt said this lady has different art in her yard quite often.

Horses in North Carolina.

This is Pepper, my aunt's dog. Isn't she cute?

TWO ABOVE: Pilot Mountain, NC


My friends

The three packages of jellybeans. But as you can soon see, our plan soon failed, as the balloons went all over the neighborhood. Then we became a dead cheerleader, a gothic girl, and elmo. The jellybean packages were fun to make though! A great idea for anyone who needs a quick costume.

Halloween Decorating

This is my favorite thing to do each fall. Decorate for Halloween! I did it all by myself this year, so the cob webs look really bad. Francis helped with the picture taking too. She's next to the "Turn back now sign." Hope everyone has a great Halloween this year!

Fall Pictures

These pictures were taken at Conner Prarie. Conner Prarie is a place set in the 1800's. The people dress like the time and the buildings are built like back then. The pictures I took of the people and the houses didn't turn out.