Washington D.C. Day One

Changing of the guards.

The Washington Monument from the Arlington Cemetery.

Where John F. Kennedy is buried.

The Arlington Cemetery.

Memorial for the women who fought in wars.

The river by Mt. Vernon.

George Washington's grave site at Mt. Vernon.

George Washington's house.

The capital building.

To remember those who died on the NASA Space Shuttle the Challenger.

A memorial to respect those who died in the war in Arlington Cemetery.


Mary McGinnis said...

Cool pictures. Can't wait to see the rest of them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kt, Like those photos of those monuments...........Love, Dad : )

Anonymous said...

Yes I got the first post! I have been waiting for your pics of Washing D.C. Looks like you saw some pretty cool places. Can wait for the next day of Washington D.C.

Your Friend,
Martti Laine

P.S. My birthday is this Sunday! See you at Church. Have a good week. BY!